1 Mar, 2014
Society - A new Friday or Saturday ...


When I started this blogsite last year I wanted to make every day of the week a special topic day, but as the early weeks and months past I realized that it was too hard to keep track and that it actually restricts my idea of free thoughts.


I am very active on facebook despite having my blog, simply because facebook is so much quicker and much more interactive. With all surveillance in mind it's still much more personal. Things you post you only share with your friends (and the NSA).


This blogsite is more professional and requires me to think more thoroughly about what to publish because the whole world could potentially read it.


Anyway, I'm a strong proponent of freedom of speech and to be honest everything I post on facebook I would express in public as well. I thought yesterday that it could be a good idea to look back on the things that I posted during the week, which automatically lets me reflect about my words. Today I collected all posts from facebook since Monday without the shared photos I included in my last blog post, screenshot them and edited them to fit this blog roll using Photoshop. This new Friday/Weekend post could be especially nice for people who've never been facebook members or who just recently left. First post is the most recent, last the first from Monday ...


Update: I included the hyperlinks to the articles this morning!


The Pelican.

















 And another related link.


If you like it I try to do it this way in the future (I will try not to publish or mark out names, when I think comments are not meant for public use; you may of course tell me and I delete your comment entirely), already preparing a for some time when all of us move up to the next big thing after facebook ...


Have a great weekend, see you next week!





22 Jan, 2014
Society - Facebook, mal ein paar Beispiele ...


Heute zeige ich mal kurz auf deutsch, was sich auf facebook manchmal so tut.


Ein Post von heute, nach einer anstrengenden Diskussion:


So, ich poste es jetzt nochmal, weil manche mich offensichtlich falsch verstanden haben. Nach der Oxfam-Studie, die seit einigen Tagen einsehbar und kurz vor dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos erschienen ist, besitzen die 85 reichsten Menschen der Erde genauso viel (Vermögen) wie die ärmeren 3,5 Mrd. Menschen. Das ist gruselig. Es gibt immer noch Hunger auf der Welt und der Trend geht in die falsche Richtung, da die Arm-Reich-Schere immer weiter auseinanderklafft. 1 % der reichsten Menschen der Erde, das sind 70 Mio. Menschen, besitzt 110 Billionen Dollar, das ist fast die Hälfte des gesamten Vermögens auf der Erde. Um diese Ungeheuerlichkeit anders auszudrücken, habe ich gestern gepostet, dass die 70 Mio. reichsten Menschen, die alle mehr als 1,5 Mio. Dollar besitzen (Zahlen aus der Oxfam-Studie), jedem der 3,5 Milliarden armen Menschen über 10.000 Dollar geben könnten und dann immer noch Millionäre wären. Irgendwie hat man mich so verstanden, als sei das ein Lösungsansatz, um alle Missstände zu beheben. Nein, es zeigt lediglich wieviel Geld vorhanden ist und wer es besitzt. Gleichwohl bin ich der Meinung, dass man diese Ungerechtigkeit sehr einfach beheben könnte. Das scheitert aber an der Bereitschaft jener Menschen, die in einflussreichen Positionen sitzen. Das gilt für westliche Industriestaaten gleichermaßen wie für diktatorische oder quasi-diktatorische Regime wie Russland, der Ukraine, China, Myanmar, Kambodscha oder Thailand.


Hier übrigens die Infos von Oxfam.



Ein weiteres Post:


In Amerika investieren große Konzerne wie Shell oder Coca-Cola Jahr für Jahr 1 Milliarde Dollar in selbstgeschaffene Scheininstitute, die entgegen aller wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse behaupten, es gäbe keine durch Menschen verursachte globale Erderwärmung. Auf ihre Behauptungen stützen sich dann Politiker und Lobbyisten, denen natürlich daran gelegen ist, die billigen, aber völlig umweltschädlichen Produktionsweisen der Unternehmen beizubehalten. Der hohe finanzielle Aufwand hat Erfolg, in Amerika glauben die meisten Menschen tatsächlich, dass die Unternehmen, aber auch der hohe Energieverbrauch privater Haushalte nicht für Global Warming ursächlich sind. Das kann man als erfolgreiche Propaganda wider den gesunden Menschenverstand bezeichnen. Der Nutzen für die Großkonzerne ist immens und um ein vielfaches höher als die läppische Milliarde, die sie für diese Strategie investieren.



Und meine ersten Gedanken zu einem Artikel über das Freihandelsabkommen:


TTIP/Freihandelsabkommen - Damoklesschwert oder ein weiterer Pakt, der gar nicht so schlimm ist wie "alle" sagen? Ich werde einen Artikel darüber schreiben, der allerdings etwas tiefergehende Auseinandersetzung bedarf. Nicht ohne Grund beraten die Beteiligten schon seit langer Zeit, unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit. Vielleicht ist letzteres auch besser so, fragt sich nur für wen? Wenn ich meinen ersten Recherchen Glauben schenke, habe ich wenig Hoffnung auf einen Vertrag, der uns allen nutzt oder sagen wir der Mehrzahl der Bürger, so wie man es von einem demokratischen Institut erwartet. Ist das der Grund, weshalb hinter verschlossener Tür verhandelt wird, genauso wie auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos oder einer Bilderberg-Konferenz? Das lässt sich herausfinden ...



Dies passiert gerade in Kiew.


Und dies war ein Interview zum Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos.






16 Jan, 2014
Society - Facebook, why I like it ...



I started using facebook in 2008. One of my Kiwi friends introduced it to me as the newest stuff everybody needed. Of course I was hooked as everybody else. But what makes facebook great despite its indisputable downsides?


I love it because it revolutionized the way of staying in touch with my friends. I’m also relying on it as my main news source. But it didn’t use to be this way from the start.


I’m a sceptical person, but my curiosity predominates and that way I tried out a lot of things in my life and never really regretted any of them looking back. Of course I’ve made mistakes on the way, but I always learned from them. I think you can only really judge something when you tried it out yourself. I know some people that don’t have a facebook account and some of them explain themselves why they don’t like facebook. I totally respect people who reject facebook but I’d love those to respect the people who don’t, too. Facebook has downsides, no doubt, but they are far outweighed for me by its advantages. I love to play risky sometimes when there's a good chance you are rewarded with some great stuff that spices up your life, and facebook as I said revolutionized the way I interact with my friends.


At the beginning I used facebook mostly to stay in touch with people abroad, especially as we made a lot of friends during our time in New Zealand. Of course you could write all those people individual emails but you can’t beat the fact that facebook let’s you take part in your friends’ life without emails, you just keep in touch without doing anything other than posting your status from time to time. And of course do I write even more individual messages via facebook or from my mail accounts or write sms or call my friends. Facebook just manages to keep all your friends up to date at once and leaves you more time when you actually meet in person. You can talk about different things, those very personal things for instance. One example are photos. You see holiday snaps of your friends via facebook so you don’t need to show or see them when you meet. And of course can you ask and see them once more if you feel like. Facebook is great because when you post something you have the chance to discuss with all your friends at once, you don't need to call them and explain it to them individually. It makes a lot much more efficient, same with events or groups, you just create one and invite the friends you think may be interested. Facebook has this incredible imediacy, something that's practically impossible in the real world. You would have to arrange an appointment to which a lot of people just wouldn't come. With facebook it just goes.


I didn’t really „like“ a lot or post much either when I started with facebook, partly because I knew that facebook would store every single activity of you forever on their servers. At some point I realized that there’s always private information that I still don’t share on facebook. But I didn’t mind others to know what I like in general, what I think politically and which organisations I’m supporting. It’s like in the old days where you had a Greenpeace sticker on the back of your car. Why not like them on facebook now. I do that with Greenpeace or Amnesty, Attac, Campact, a lot of museums, some environmentally concerned companies and much more. I don’t mind people to know that, I actually like it. Same with posts, I changed my behavior when Fukushima happened in March 2011. I was so shocked and also so angry about how public media dealed with the facts that I wanted to share my thoughts and talk with my friends about it. I never stopped since then and I was very active at the beginning of last year. It was right after my Postcard Project 2012/13 for Christmas where I’ve been in touch with hundreds of people via facebook anyway. What may have looked weird for some at the time was just normal business for me, plus I was quite angry a year ago and I needed to explain some things and make my position clear, especially with the founding of my environmentally friendly company NIKOLAIKIKI ahead.


But to bring it back to facebook I still write down what I think and keep everything off of facebook what I consider really personal, that’s most photos of myself, my family and close friends as long as they don’t agree. I don’t really post emotional things and all the other stuff that you would only tell best friends. It’s the same as with documents in the Cloud, I don’t mind them being stored somewhere, although I strongly oppose the worldwide surveillance by secret services. But even knowing that, there’s nothing that I wouldn’t have written anyway.


As I said facebook is my main news source and also my main communications vehicle, I’m writing far less mails via my mail accounts, it’s just so much easier via facebook. And the NSA is reading your mails anyway unless you have individual websites with dedicated servers out of the US. But when you use Mail on a Mac or Outlook in Windows the NSA is reading them, too.


Anyway, if you "like" a lot of news sites and organisations that have proven to supply reliable information facebook is just the easiest way to keep up to date. You just get all their information on your news feed. And I think a lot of the success of today's movements like Occupy or Blockupy has to do with facebook and its instant ability to connect with others. I love facebook for that.


What’s the downsides? Well, as I said, you need to be aware that facebook stores everything, they even store things you write down but delete again instead of posting it. That’s quite spooky, but hey, Snowden and all the other great whistleblowers have shown us that everything you do on the internet is stored somewhere, even your mails and even your sms, everything. All the sites you visit are stored somewhere, even very personal stuff like erotic images, films or porn. You can’t do nothing about it, you can only hope it’ll stay private somehow. At least if it’s legal what you're doing on the net you probably can get used to those facts without being too worried.


What you also have to be aware of is that facebook is a big business. You won’t be able to advertise for free and facebook is filtering your posts the way that not everybody of your friends can read them, they only appear on some of your friends’ newsfeeds, not all. If you really want some friends to be always on your newsfeed you need subscribe to those friends, otherwise you miss some of their posts. If some friends annoy you on the other hand you can always ban them from your own newsfeed. You stay friends with them but you don’t read any of their posts anymore. I do that with some friends, especially those who play games like Farmville, but that’s just me. I never really leave a friend as long as they don't post stuff that is really worrisome, like right-wing political stuff. But I wouldn't be friends with those ones in the first place.


Ooh, we’re getting to the positives again. Facebook is great because you can customize it to any taste, you can control what you see and what not. You can control who will be able to see what you post, same with all information you publish on facebook. You can set facebook up the way that nobody can see anything, you will only be friends, nothing more, if you feel like. You can "like" millions of things or nothing at all and control which information you get from who. You can upload photos or leave it, comment or not, check facebook every ten minutes or only once a month. You can write mails via facebook or leave it completely. There are millions of different ways to set it up.


I customizeed facebook exactly to my taste and I love it, you will probably use it completely different and love it, too, or hate it.


Or you may leave facebook again or even never ever have used it, but you won’t be able to deny that facebook has become a part of our modern world and its communication between humans. And I’m pretty sure it’s only the beginning of something that can’t be imagined to be absent anymore in a couple of years, just like cellphones or television are nowadays.


But never ever lose your skepticism towards new things, I just think it’s worth trying them out after a careful consideration.


Keep it up