I found those articles interesting this last week:
A Wikileaks article about the new secret TISA agreement between the US and the EU, here, and a German one here.
An article about facebook and its mind control experiments, here.
Sascha Lobo is a German new media expert, here is a statement about total surveillance and the motives and techniques behind it. There's some tricks by the way about how you can flood the XKeyscore surveillance software, here.
I also like Christian Ströbele's blog, here, him being the head of the NSA investigation committee at German Federal Parliament.
These are the findings out of the interrogation of former NSA officers in the Bundestag, here.
If you care about petitions in Germany actually to avoid bad things to happen, environmentally critical laws to be past or decisions against the citizens to be made, check out campact and their recent pleas and petitions, here.
And something different, an article that focuses on the eyes in photographs, here.
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