On Thursday we took the public bus from Bishkek to Tamchy to spend a night at lake Issyk Kul. Our hosts were a Kyrgyz family, they served us delicious food from their garden and the son played for us on kind of a Balalaika. It was a special experience, the night was pretty cold, though, and it rained heavily ...
Today we took the public bus to Karakol, it's a cheap way to travel and you get in touch with the people, very nice. Karakol seems to be a very laid-back city and once again the people are incredible! We had a brief stroll around town, light was beautiful, took a coffee in one of the local cafés and had dinner in a very delicious Kyrgyz restaurant. I had meat, but when you have a look at how animals are bred over here it's not a big deal at all, very natural ...
Tomorrow is landscape day. We will take one of the minibuses into the mountains. Hope lighting is great :-)
Check back soon ...
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