Impressions from 25 years fall of the wall anniversary. I've been to Bernauer Straße on the former death strip. In Berlin there were 8000 balloons along the former course of the wall, released the moment the wall came down 25 years ago ...
This wall came down, but there is a new wall that surrounds the EU and seals off against the rest of Europe and Africa in particular with hundreds and thousands of refugees dying in the Mediterranean on their deperate voyages hoping for a better world. The Polical Beauty organisation did a really great action which can be found here, They snitched the white wall remembrance crosses for the victims of GDR times, people that died trying to break away from the eastern socialist state, and brought them to the border of the EU to point out this way of blocking refugees out is a new human injustice that has to end.
Let's tear this wall down as well!