24 May, 2014
Photography - What happened in May?


Ha, yesterday I decided to distance myself from facebook finally the way I wanted to do it last year.


That means I will still use it as my main news site but I will collect all the posts and articles that I find important, edit them and post them here, means there will be MUCH more content from now on on this blogsite. I will drop most of the stuff from facebook therefore, as long as it's not something really important or very personal :-) Apart from that you can meet me, call me, write me, come to my exhibitions, buy my products or follow this blogsite. You can also leave your comments below. Hope this works out. Exciting!


Here are the latest images and older ones I edited for multiple purposes. See you here! :-)



Happy weekend!





4 May, 2014
Photography - What I just found


I really have to force myself to blog more, facebook makes you lazy. And that's not good, for me and for others, too. We spend too much time on facebook anyway and I think we have to at least think about being able to leave it for a while or completely. Facebook has so much junk and so many ads, why not enjoy websites that look great and don't have ads at all, not even a facebook button like mine ;-)


Well, here are a couple of images from 2009/2010. On a 13 month trip I shot over 40.000 photos and every now and then I go look at some of them and every time I find some I haven't seen since back then. The following ones are a random selection that I posted on facebook today but then I realized that last year I only wanted to post images on my own blog site. I need to keep doing that instead of just uploading them onto facebook, damn it ...


New Zealand




Happy Sunday





1 May, 2014
Photography - Where are you coming from?


Never forget where you're coming from - that's what Take That sang once :-D I was born in Bonn in Western Germany but my parents moved to Ostfriesland next to the sea when I was three years old. All my childhood I spent in an area that after years of living somewhere else is growing on me again from a distant perspective. It's hard to overlook that the landscape is simply magnificent, a reason why my parents came in the first place. I had an appointment on Tuesday in Wilhelmshaven and spent two days in Leer, Friedeburg and somewhere in between on the countryside. One day I will come back and make a series "Ostfriesland" with a real camera, a film medium or large format with up to Gigapixel resolution for giant print sizes. It'll be great! ...



Happy May!





23 Apr, 2014
Photography - What happened in March and April?


 This ...



That's it so far. There's still some more to come in April, will make another photo post next week when I'm in Friesland.


Happy Spring!





14 Apr, 2014
Photography - What happened recently?


I'm on my way to Easter holidays but there will be a big blog post coming tomorrow or on Wednesday when I'm in Switzerland. Check this shot out from the Baltic last week ...



See you soon,





7 Apr, 2014
Photography - Hamburg



I'm on a little trip to Hamburg. Photos, visiting friends and relaxing after some crazy last weeks. I'll wrap up the latest pictures in a new photography post when I'm back in Berlin tomorrow.


Check back soon, there's lots of photos to come ...





26 Mar, 2014
Tech Tips 10/14 - Better do a trip!


Mount Taranaki region, New Zealand 2009


If budget is limited don't spent your money on a new camera, spend it on a new trip. It's of much greater value to bring back new images with your old camera than shooting the same area, often your neighborhood, with a new one. Plus the images themselves won't be any better either. They may be bigger, sharper or with less noise but a boring image will always stay boring, no matter how expensive the camera is. It's much wiser to pick a destination and try to improve your photo taking abilities on the trip, learn to compose, to handle light, find out what's the best time of the day to take pictures or try to make interesting images of normal every day scenes. Reflecting before taking the picture will have a much bigger impact on your photos than having more Megapixels. Having expensive gear makes you feel less relaxed, too, because it really won't be the camera then when your photos stink ;-) ...


Happy shooting ...




